Sunday, March 27, 2016

Keys to Healthy and Loving Family Relationships: Session 6. Creating Health and Wellness

Happy and healthy family relationships grow from decisions to work through all the problems of life in a constructive and loving way.  The materials provided here may be used to guide discussion and consideration for a 50-60 minute parenting class to help parents grow into strong, supportive and loving mentors for their children.

Health and Wellness are the result of decisions to develop habits that will help our bodies, minds and spirits grow and prosper.

Keeping clean is a the first line of defense against germs.

Bathing, at least several times a week, helps to wash away germs and prevent them from spreading and causing illness.

Hand washing is especially important.  Research confirms that hand washing is an important behavior that determines who gets sick and who stays healthy.
Hand washing should be a MUST:
* before eating and cooking
* after using the bathroom
* after cleaning around the house
* after touching animals, including family pets
* before and after visiting or taking care of sick friends or relatives
* after blowing one's nose, coughing, or sneezing
* after being outside (playing, gardening, walking the dog).
The few seconds you spend at the sink will save you time in bed and trips to the doctor's office.
 Make frequent hand washing a habit.  1.

Tooth brushing is an important part of dental care.
Medical research shows that brushing teeth (at least twice a day) can prevent cavities and gum disease.  If teeth are not brushed correctly and frequently, saliva minerals cause tartar to develop and cause gum disease.

Organize your cleaning schedule to keep your home fresh and sanitary.  Don't stress about the mess!
Learn how to keep it clean, room by room.

Each morning
- Make beds, wipe bathroom counters (with anti-bacterial spray or bleach and water (50/50).
- wash breakfast dishes or empty the dishwasher, and do a load of laundry.
Each evening
- Wash the dishes or load the dishwasher,
- wipe kitchen counters with spray (as above),
- take out trash,
-sweep or vacuum floors, and declutter with a basket (use a laundry basket to pick up things that are out of place, then put them away.) 2.

Cleaning Shortcuts from Heloise
* Wipe up spills in the refrigerator as soon as you notice them.  Toss anything that is beyond it's expiration date or is spoiled.
* Clean children's plastic toys with a towel moistened with rubbing alcohol.
* Presort laundry items into baskets.  Clear the lint filter after each dryer load.
* Dust and quick clean one room every day.

Exercise is an important part of staying healthy.  Watching TV, playing video games or sitting in a chair will not develop the stamina needed for good health!
Adults need at least 30 minutes a day of physical activity.  Children need a lot of time to exercise and develop their muscles and bones.

*  People who live active lives feel better and live longer.
*  Exercise helps you maintain a Healthy weight.
*  Exercise can delay or prevent some diseases such as diabetes, some cancers and heart problems.

Find the right exercise for you and your family.  If it's something you enjoy, you are more likely to stay motivated (sports, walking, jogging, swimming, biking, etc.).

Getting a good nights sleep is essential to good health.  Not getting enough sleep causes mental, emotional and physical fatigue.  Sleep deprivation can lead to irritability, an impaired immune system, symptoms similar to ADHD, and decreased  reaction time.  Children need more sleep in order to develop and function properly.
*  A newborn requires up to 18 hours a day.
*  A child one year old requires 14-18 hours.
*  A child two to five years old requires 11-15 hours.
*  A child six years through adolescence requires 9-11 hours.
*  Adults require 7-8 hours a day.

Good food habits are the foundation for a healthy body.  Serve a variety of foods to insure that your family receives the nutrients needed to keep bodies healthy.  When it's snack time, give your family nutritious snacks such as: fruit or fruit juices, vegetables, cheese, crackers, or meat slices.

Eat food from each food group daily for a well-balanced diet.
Milk group - 2-3 servings. 
* Milk, yogurt and cheese are high in protein and calcium.   These are important vitamins and minerals needed to build strong bones and teeth.
Meat Group - 2-3 servings.
* Meat, poultry, fish and eggs provide protein, B vitamins, and minerals that are  essential to develop muscles, bones, and blood vessels.
Fruits and Vegetables Group - 5+ servings.
* These foods give you vitamins, minerals, and fiber with few calories.  Vitamin C helps resist infection and heal wounds, and Vitamin A helps to keep the digestive tract healthy.
Bread and Cereal Group - 6-11 servings. 
* These are high in B vitamins, iron and fiber to help the body obtain energy from food, use oxygen and metabolize.
Fat, Oils and Sweets Group - Servings from this group should be limited.


* Smoking - Half a million Americans die each year from smoking-related health conditions.  Smoking decreases lung capacity for healthy exercise.
* Being a worry wart -  If you have a problem, try to solve it.  If it can't be solved, forget it.  Worrying won't help.
* Overtime work - Overworked Americans have doubled in the last 20 years.  Quality time for yourself and your family its important for healthy relationships.
* Alcohol and drugs - They deaden the ability to think and decide clearly.


We have been blessed with an abundance of simple pleasures:  sunshine and sunsets, brilliant flowers and cool water on a hot day.  Sexual relationships, however, are complex pleasures because they involve the life of another person in a holistic way: physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.  Above all, sexual behaviors produce new life.  Faith affirms that life is a sacred gift from God.

The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention confirms that more than 65 million people in the USA have an incurable sexually transmitted infection (STI).  Many STI's result in tubal pregnancies and infertility, cancer, or severe damage to body organs.  Be aware of the consequences if you fail to limit your sexual partners to one mutually monogamous healthy relationship.  Protect your sexual health.

While we are the first line of defense in protecting out health and the health of our families, community health clinics and family physicians are essential in helping us protect our health and wellness.
Annual visits to our doctor provide preventive care through immunizations and screening of cholesterol, blood pressure, weight, and hearing, vision, breast exams and other exams.    

Keep a file and record for each family member of dates of immunization, major illness and surgeries and the names of doctors who helped with each for future reference.  

Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy steadfast love;
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,  and cleanse me from my sin!
Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of thy salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.
             Psalms 51:1-2,7,10-12


Monday, March 21, 2016

Keys to Healthy and Loving Family Relationships: Session 5, Passing on Family Traditions

Happy and healthy family relationships grow from decisions to work through all the problems of life in a constructive and loving way.  The materials provided here may be used to guide discussion and considerations for a 50-60 minute parenting class to help parents grow into strong, supportive and loving mentors for their children.

Shared quality time is the soil out of which good families grow.  Loving relationships in family require time and commitment.
The support stem of the family flower is a love of God, prayer, devotions and worship.
The leaves and petals of the flower are the sharing times together:  Birthdays, Celebrations, :Holidays, Vacations, Picnics, Anniversaries, Recreation, Rituals, Traditions, Reunions, Hospitality, Mealtime, and Eating out together.

Loving Relationships Require Time 
It is essential that family members reserve time for one another if loving relationships are to be nourished.
It takes time to get acquainted with the thoughts and feelings of other members of the family.
The greatest destroyers of loving family relationships are over commitment and time pressures.
Being over committed with too many irons stresses feelings of caring and concern for one another.

Most families do not spend much time together listening to each other.
Most families do not spend much time together.

Each family would benefit from a weekly time together spent on and in quality projects/events/times that enrich, deepen, and bring joy to family living.   

Parents know that having established ways of doing things helps to simplify things.  Children want to know what to expect.  They enjoy repetition and like to look forward to the same story again and again, the same food, the same video.

Kids and adults like family traditions that develop a sense of togetherness and a sense of family relationship and meaning.

Special traditions may include:
* Reading a storybook before bedtime,
* Making pizza every Saturday night,
* Having a prayer before each meal,
* Remembering birthdays with a cake and a song.

Special activities can make holidays important for the family, such as:
* Having the extended family gather on Thanksgiving for a shared meal,
* Gathering with family and friends to make Tamales at Christmastime, or
* Having hot chocolate and popcorn as you decorate the tree together.

What traditions are important to your family?

A good tradition should include simple activities that focus on the value of the people involved.
Include children in the planning.  They may have ideas about special things they want to celebrate together.

A good tradition should be enjoyed.  This takes planning in advance to consider what is needed to make it happen in a positive way.

Taking photos or keeping scrapbooks of special family occasions can preserve shared memories of family celebrations.  Traditions make family life richer because of celebrating family experiences together.

The Statistics are clear: kids who dine with their parents are healthier, happier and better students, which is why a dying tradition is coming. back.

There is something about a shared meal, not just at holidays, but on a regular basis that anchors a family together.  This is a time when the family members share wisdom and expectations, confess and forgive, and form  relationships with each other.
Eating a meal together teaches children to be a part of a group and a member of their culture.  When eating together is started young, it becomes a habit and a discipline that provides structure and good eating habits.

Keeping mealtime as pleasant as possible can be a challenge,  but developing positive habits early leads to a healthier life.
Studies show that the more often families eat together, the less likely kids are to smoke, drink, do drugs, get depressed, fall into destructive behaviors, and the more likely they are to do well in school, delay having sex, eat their vegetables and carry on a conversation.

While it may be difficult if parents are working and children are shuttling between school activities and TV shows, it's worth some inconvenience or compromise to make eating meals together a priority.
Including children in the meal preparation by setting a table, helping prepare some foods, and helping to clear off the table can give them a sense of importance in the family.

Mealtime should be a time when TV and other distracting electronic gadgets are turned off.
Beginning the meal with a blessing of thanksgiving can help children and the whole family grow together in appreciation for God's care and for each other.

Keeping in touch with far-flung members of a family requires planning family reunions so children and parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins can come together to share the important activities in their lives.
Family reunions are a time for meals together, playing games together, sharing memories of good times and passing on family traditions that are special.

A reunion can consist of an afternoon picnic, a weekend retreat, or a week camping together in a park.  Family reunions become events to look forward to.

Tips for organizing a successful family gathering include:
*  Plan ahead.  Set the date, even a year ahead, for family who have to travel.
*  Share the work.  A lot of planning is required.  Cook cooperatively.
*  Take it easy.  Plan time to do nothing and share each other's company.
*  Keep a record.  Take lots of pictures and keep a scrapbook of events.

It's important to have a record-keeping system that allows you to quickly put your hand on documents you might need.  Organize them into file folders.
*  Personal and family records:  Social security cards, Addresses and Phone numbers; Birth and marriage certificates, School diplomas, Report cards, Family history and Photographs.
*  Property documents:  Deed of house, condo, car ownership; Receipts of payments made on house, car or other purchases; Warranties of purchases.
*  Financial Records: Investment records; including IRA's, 401 K accounts, savings accounts, credit card records, loan papers.
*  Medical and Health Records: Immunizations, Doctor's names and phone numbers; dates of illnesses and surgeries, medicines used.
*  Tax Records:  Copy of tax reports submitted; Copy of personal checks written over the last 5-7 years.


Love is patient, is kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not rude, does not delight in evil, is not easily angered, is not proud, is not self-seeking, keeps no record of wrongs, rejoices with the truth.   1 Corinthians 13: 4-6

Instructing children early in the loving traditions of a religious and moral foundation that teaches positive behaviors and respect for all lays a foundation for a productive and happy life.    

1.  Nutt, Grady.  Family Time: A Revolutionary Idea.  1976.
2. Suk, Letitia.  "This is the Way We Always Do It."  Focus on the Family. Nov. 2007:9.
3. Gibbs, Nancy.  "The Magic of the Family Meal."  Time. June 12, 2006:51-54.
4. Cegielski, Jennifer.  "A Grand Old Time."  Martha Stewart's Living.  June 2011:116-125.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Keys to Healthy and Loving Family Relationships: Session 4. Parenting Your Children

Happy and healthy family relationships grow from decisions to work through all the problems of life in a constructive and loving way.  The materials provided here may be used to guide discussion and consideration for a 50-60 minute parenting class to help parents grow into strong, supportive and loving mentors for their children.

"Being a good parent today is a real challenge.

Here are some tips to help you create a loving relationship with your kids and still set and enforce the limits they need. 1.
* When children misbehave, let them know that you dislike what they did but not who they are.
*  Rewarding good behavior is more effective than punishing misbehavior.
*  Try to 'catch' your children being good.  Be generous with your praise.
*  Punishment should be used to help teach children about the consequences of their behavior...Never punish in anger.
*  Setting a good example is the best way to teach your children how you want them to behave.
*  Physical punishment teaches a child that  hitting is okay.
*  Words hurt.  If you tell children they are stupid or lazy they will grow up believing that.
*  Make it a habit to spend time together.   For example, make bedtime into story time and read together."

Communication is More Than Words.  2.
There are five important goals in communicating with your children.

1.  The first goal is to communicate "I love you.". 
 No one can do this like a parent.  Children understand that we love them when we use more kind words than criticism, when we give them pats, smiles, and hugs and treat them with respect.

2.  We need to communicate "You can talk to me and I will listen." 
 They understand this when we listen to their feelings without disapproval.

3.  A third communication goal is "You are strong.  I believe in your abilities." 
When we encourage and support their efforts and celebrate their successes, even the small ones, they learn to have faith in their ability.

4.  We need to communicate "You are responsible."  
Children must learn to recognize the connection between their actions and their consequences.  Protecting children from their mistakes will not build character.

5.  We need to communicate,  " I, your parent, am the boss.  I care too much for you to allow you to misbehave.  I will set limits and I expect you to listen to me."  
Children will test the limits, but when they know where the limits are, they feel safe and secure.

Teach Your Children to Manage Money.
Teach them how to separate needs from wants,
 how to save,
 how to invest, and
 how to share with others.

Allow them to manage money through an allowance or money earned from small jobs.  Give them guidelines and allow them to make decisions.

Talk to Your Children About Alcohol and Drugs. 3.
* Make sure children understand the dangers and problems of alcohol and other drug use.
* Learn to really listen. Keep the lines of communication open.
* Help children develop strong values.  This will give them the courage to make decisions based on facts rather than pressure.
* Be a good role model.  Children are aware of their parent's habits.
* Help children deal with peer pressure.  They may need skills to resist pressure from their friends.
* Set firm rules about drinking and other drug use.  Family rules should be clear and consistent.

Marriage or Living Together - Does is Really Matter?
Living arrangements have changed dramatically.  In 1970 1 million people lived together outside of marriage. By 2000 this number increased  to 11 million.  Some have no intention to get married.  Others see living together as a trial marriage.
Children are born into these arrangements.  Having a child is a lifetime commitment to support and care for this person throughout his or her life.  Children deserve and need the love and support of both of their parents.

In planning for the well-being of children and family, it is important to consider all the information that will support a healthy lifestyle.
 Conclusions from social science overwhelmingly show that a commitment to marriage: 4.
* increases the likelihood that both fathers and mothers have a good relationship with their children,
* reduces poverty and material hardship for women and children,
* is associated with lower rates of alcohol and substance abuse,
* is associated with better health and lower rates of injury, illness, and disability,
* reduces the risk of delinquent and criminal behavior, especially for boys,
* reduces the risk of child abuse,
* increases the ability of children to do well in school.

Including Dad in Parenting:  Fathers are important too. 5.
With 40% of children now born out of wedlock, many men are failing to experience the important role of fatherhood and many children are growing up without a father for support, nurture and protection.  An effective father supports and cares for his children's mother.
Fatherhood is the most important role for men because it helps them become pro social.  Our schools, churches and community centers need to provide learning opportunities to help young men become   responsible fathers for their families.

Teaching your Children Healthy Sexuality 6.
Healthy sexuality is about encouraging wholesome relationships and attitudes.  The popular culture teaches that sex is about sexual desires.  We want out children to have God-honoring attitudes about human sexuality.  We should start conversations when our children are young.

For 3-5 year olds the theme is God created boys and girls and moms and dads and God wants us to honor Him with our bodies.  We need to bring up personal safety  issues and what is proper and inappropriate touch from others.

Ages 6-9 is a stage when kids are curious.  Answer their question "Where do babies come from?"  Introduce basic anatomy and how God is a part of families.

The Purity Code is the important message for ages 10-13 with the message that our bodies are gifts from God to be used in obedience to Him.  Address guy/girl relationships, pornography, cultural influences, peer pressure, modesty and flirting.

For ages 14-18 conversations take place on dating, setting standards, sexual abuse, how far is too far, respecting sexuality, drugs, alcohol, partying and sexual integrity decisions.  No conversation should be off limits for parents.

Raising Your Kids to Love the Lord. 7.
Start Children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6.
"We can model true faith and continually pray that God will transform their hearts... The most powerful word is prayer...Praying with your children and for them.  Praying in times of crisis and moments of celebration.  Praying for no reason at all other than to thank God for his Goodness.  Letting them hear you pray.  Teaching them by example."
Get in the habit of telling them Bible stories at bedtime.  Let that motivate you to learn the Bible along with them.  Your young children will ponder the power of God as they fall asleep.  

1.  Texas Coalition for the Prevention of Child Abuse.  11940 Jollyville Road, #395N, Austin, TX 78759.
2.  Gibson, Elaine.  "Communication is more than words."  Bryan-College Station Eagle. Oct. 21, 1990.
3.  Brochure: Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
4.  Institute for American Values.  Why Marriage Matters, Second Edition: Twenty-Six Conclusions from the Social Sciences.  New York, NY:  2005:10-11.
5.  Blankenhorn, David.  Fatherless America: Confronting Our Most Urgent Social  Problem.  Harper. 1995:5.
6.  Burns, Jim. Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality.  Bethany House.  2008.
7.  Stone, Dave.  Raising Your Kids to Love the Lord.  Thomas Nelson Co. 2012.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Keys to Healthy and Loving Family Relationships: Session 3. Wise Money Management

Happy and healthy family relationships grow from decisions to work through all the problems of life in a constructive and loving way.  The materials provided here may be used to guide discussion and consideration for a 50-60- minute parenting class to help parents grow into strong, supportive and loving mentors for their children.

Finances, Feelings and Relationships. (1)
Money  problems often cause anger and conflict in families.
- In a survey of newlyweds, money ranked 2 out of 14 areas of disagreement.
- Money problems rank among the top four reasons leading to divorce.
- The problems increase as the number of people in the family increases.

The way money is spent in families is related to feelings people have about what is expected.  Family members struggle to obtain family money resources for their own activities and interests.

Family relationships require commitment, understanding, cooperation and concern for the feelings and welfare of all members of the family.

Problems develop when money decisions create distance and resentment.
Example 1.  "No, I do not want to see your hang glider.  Nor do I want to watch you hang gliding.  That money was supposed to be used for a family vacation."

Example 2.  "What do you mean 'sell that old hutch'.  That hutch belonged to my great-grandmother.  If you really loved me you'd know how much it mean to me."

In our materialistic culture we often find ourselves using people and loving things.  The spirit of charity instructs us to love people and use things.

When a love of things becomes a higher priority than a love of each family member, relationships crumble and families often come apart.

Manage Your Money Wisely
Know what your income is and how much money is coming in.  Spend less!
Learn the difference between what you need and what you want.

Consider you present needs and your future needs,
Including a home or apartment:
life, health and disability insurance to protect loved ones;
and retirement.  

Is Money your master or your servant?  (2)
Money may be your master if...
* You avoid discussing finances with your partner,
*  Money is the subject of family fights,
*  You don't know how much is coming in,
*  You don't know how much you spend,
*  Your bills are bigger than you expect,
*  You buy many items on credit,
*  You only make minimum payment on credit cards,
*  You often pay bills late,
*  You are spending carelessly on things you don't need,
*  You spend on things that are harmful to you,
*  You often run out of money before the end of the month , 
*  You do not save money for future expenses,
*  You suffer stress related to money. 

Plan ahead for those expenses that only come due once or twice a year.
Put money in savings during the year to be prepared:
*  property taxes,
*  Insurance,
*  car registration, car insurance,
*  tuition fees,
*  vacations,
*  holiday celebrations,
*  birthdays,
*  etc.

Money Maxims  (3)
*  Money problems are usually behavior problems.
*  If you spend your money on something you value, you feel satisfied.  If you spend money on something you do not value, you feel frustrated.
*  The values of an individual should never be equated with the person's net worth.
*   Be grateful for what you have.  Enough is enough.
*   The best things in life are free.
*   Freedom from money problems more often results from spending less than earning more.
*   Plug the holes where money disappears without knowing where it went.
*   That person is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.
*   Money can't buy love.  It is better to have love with no money than to have money with no love.

Getting Out of Debt (4)
Accelerated Repayment:
Pay off the principal as quickly as possible to reduce the interest that is accumulating.  When extra money is added to regular payments the extra money goes to paying off the principal.

The Fold-down Plan:
This plan involves paying off one debt and then using the amount you had been paying to that debt to pay off another debt (until all are paid).

Ways to Lower Your Utility Bill!
The appliances that create heat or remove heat use the most watts.  So use less of them.  Use fans or ceiling fans instead of the air conditioner.  Using fans with AC allows you to raise the temperature 5 degrees.  Wash laundry  in cold water.  Dry your clothes on a clothesline in the sun.  Wash dishes by hand.  Pay your bills on time to avoid disconnect fees!

What do you value the most? (your highest priorities)
How is your money being spent?  (Is your money supporting your priorities?)

What behavior problems are leading to money problems?
What holes need to be plugged where money disappears?

At what points have you failed to consider the feelings of others in your family in regard to how the money is spent?

The Godliness of Contentment

There is great gain in  godliness with contentment; for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world; but if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content.

Those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.

For the love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs.                      
            1 Timothy 6:6-10

Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be yours as well.
    Matthews 6:23.

1.  Bernard E. Poduska.  For Love and Money.  Brooks/Cole Pub.  1993.
2.  Awake magazine, "Is Money Your Master or your servant".  March 2009. Page 4.
3. Bernard E. Poduska,   Ibid
4.  Ibid