Friday, March 4, 2016

Keys to Healthy and Loving Family Relationships: Session 3. Wise Money Management

Happy and healthy family relationships grow from decisions to work through all the problems of life in a constructive and loving way.  The materials provided here may be used to guide discussion and consideration for a 50-60- minute parenting class to help parents grow into strong, supportive and loving mentors for their children.

Finances, Feelings and Relationships. (1)
Money  problems often cause anger and conflict in families.
- In a survey of newlyweds, money ranked 2 out of 14 areas of disagreement.
- Money problems rank among the top four reasons leading to divorce.
- The problems increase as the number of people in the family increases.

The way money is spent in families is related to feelings people have about what is expected.  Family members struggle to obtain family money resources for their own activities and interests.

Family relationships require commitment, understanding, cooperation and concern for the feelings and welfare of all members of the family.

Problems develop when money decisions create distance and resentment.
Example 1.  "No, I do not want to see your hang glider.  Nor do I want to watch you hang gliding.  That money was supposed to be used for a family vacation."

Example 2.  "What do you mean 'sell that old hutch'.  That hutch belonged to my great-grandmother.  If you really loved me you'd know how much it mean to me."

In our materialistic culture we often find ourselves using people and loving things.  The spirit of charity instructs us to love people and use things.

When a love of things becomes a higher priority than a love of each family member, relationships crumble and families often come apart.

Manage Your Money Wisely
Know what your income is and how much money is coming in.  Spend less!
Learn the difference between what you need and what you want.

Consider you present needs and your future needs,
Including a home or apartment:
life, health and disability insurance to protect loved ones;
and retirement.  

Is Money your master or your servant?  (2)
Money may be your master if...
* You avoid discussing finances with your partner,
*  Money is the subject of family fights,
*  You don't know how much is coming in,
*  You don't know how much you spend,
*  Your bills are bigger than you expect,
*  You buy many items on credit,
*  You only make minimum payment on credit cards,
*  You often pay bills late,
*  You are spending carelessly on things you don't need,
*  You spend on things that are harmful to you,
*  You often run out of money before the end of the month , 
*  You do not save money for future expenses,
*  You suffer stress related to money. 

Plan ahead for those expenses that only come due once or twice a year.
Put money in savings during the year to be prepared:
*  property taxes,
*  Insurance,
*  car registration, car insurance,
*  tuition fees,
*  vacations,
*  holiday celebrations,
*  birthdays,
*  etc.

Money Maxims  (3)
*  Money problems are usually behavior problems.
*  If you spend your money on something you value, you feel satisfied.  If you spend money on something you do not value, you feel frustrated.
*  The values of an individual should never be equated with the person's net worth.
*   Be grateful for what you have.  Enough is enough.
*   The best things in life are free.
*   Freedom from money problems more often results from spending less than earning more.
*   Plug the holes where money disappears without knowing where it went.
*   That person is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.
*   Money can't buy love.  It is better to have love with no money than to have money with no love.

Getting Out of Debt (4)
Accelerated Repayment:
Pay off the principal as quickly as possible to reduce the interest that is accumulating.  When extra money is added to regular payments the extra money goes to paying off the principal.

The Fold-down Plan:
This plan involves paying off one debt and then using the amount you had been paying to that debt to pay off another debt (until all are paid).

Ways to Lower Your Utility Bill!
The appliances that create heat or remove heat use the most watts.  So use less of them.  Use fans or ceiling fans instead of the air conditioner.  Using fans with AC allows you to raise the temperature 5 degrees.  Wash laundry  in cold water.  Dry your clothes on a clothesline in the sun.  Wash dishes by hand.  Pay your bills on time to avoid disconnect fees!

What do you value the most? (your highest priorities)
How is your money being spent?  (Is your money supporting your priorities?)

What behavior problems are leading to money problems?
What holes need to be plugged where money disappears?

At what points have you failed to consider the feelings of others in your family in regard to how the money is spent?

The Godliness of Contentment

There is great gain in  godliness with contentment; for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world; but if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content.

Those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.

For the love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs.                      
            1 Timothy 6:6-10

Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be yours as well.
    Matthews 6:23.

1.  Bernard E. Poduska.  For Love and Money.  Brooks/Cole Pub.  1993.
2.  Awake magazine, "Is Money Your Master or your servant".  March 2009. Page 4.
3. Bernard E. Poduska,   Ibid
4.  Ibid