However, what benefits some is offensive and harmful to many. Criminal Justice statistics document that in 1996, 38 percent of Americans thought pornography should be illegal for everyone, and 58 percent thought it should be illegal for persons under eighteen. 2.
Citizens are encouraged to speak out to protest obscenity in our culture by:
* writing letters to the editors of the local paper to express concern,
* writing to elected officials to actively prosecute obscenity, and
* writing letters of complaint to businesses that distribute or advertise pornography.
SAMPLE LETTER (or write your own)
Dear Owner/Managers
While shopping in your store recently I noticed that you sell pornographic magazines. Please consider the harm such materials have on children's lives, our families and our community.
Statistics show that the largest consumers of pornography are children ages 12 to 17 - formative years of a young person's emotional and sexual development.
Young people are being drawn into early and promiscuous sexual behaviors. Addictions are created that harm healthy relationships and tear apart marriages and families.
* The Center for Disease Control reports that 1 in 4 teen girls has a sexually transmitted disease, often leading to cancer or infertility.
* Since 1973, more than 50 million abortions have been performed in the U.S.
- over 80% to unmarried women, 52% to women younger than 25 years of age, 19% to teens.
* 40% of births are now out-of-wedlock births.
* Out-0f-wedlock births and the increase in divorce leaves many men out of the important role of fatherhood and leaves children without a father for guidance and support.
* Children born to unwed mothers are six times more likely to live in poverty.
* Pornography is used by predators to lure children and young women into abuse and prostitution.
* Rapists and serial killers repeatedly identify pornography as a formative factor in their behaviors.
You have no obligation to sell pornography. This is not a matter of censorship. It is a matter of good citizenship and responsible choice as to what is appropriate material to be placed in a store where families shop.
Please consider replacing these materials with something more responsible. I'm sure many people in the community would support you in this decision.
I look forward to hearing from you in regard to this concern.
(Sign your name)
If polite letters are not effective, pressure on elected officials to support legislation actively prosecuting obscenity and indecency in the community and media would be appropriate and necessary.
Our children and grandchildren should not be burdened by the immense moral burden that is being passed on to them by our careless abandonment of foundational personal and social values.
1. Thomas, Cal. "Selling out a heritage; AT&T becomes a top provider of pornography."
World magazine. Vol. 15, No.25 (June 24) 2000:31.
2. Henslin, James M. Social Problems. 5th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice-Hall. 2000:75-81
3.American Family Association. A Guide to What One Person Can Do About Pornography. pg. 41-45.