Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Homosexuality? Caution is Wisdom!

At the end of April, 2008 the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network and the United States Student Association will sponsor the 12th annual Day of Silence in many public schools across the country with the goal of increasing tolerance for the homosexual lifestyle among children.

I am astonished and concerned at how quickly our society has been influenced to move toward the normalization of homosexuality.

I am not here discussing homosexuals, many of whom contribute generously to their community. As individuals in society, every person deserves respect and consideration. I am rather considering the personal and social consequences of homosexuality as a normalized lifestyle.

Some argue that homosexuality has a genetic base. There is much debate about this.
A molecular biologist who headed studies on gay brothers in 1993 concluded that social influences play the leading role in determining homosexuality. He stated, "From twin studies, we already know that half or more of the variability in sexual orientation is not inherited."1.

Many behaviors, including premarital and extramarital sex, incest, sexual abuse of children, and polygamy, may have genetic predispositions; however, behavior is more than genetics. Behavior has a social dimension. To extend normality to behaviors that may be destructive to individuals and society and may take generations to repair is neither prudent, just, nor practical. 2.

The profound changes that would occur in social organization warrant caution and serious consideration, particularly in regard to social integration, social freedom, social reproduction, and social health.

Homosexuality and social integration

The normalization of homosexuality will encourage social disintegration as men relate intimately to men and women to women. In spite of immense variation within the sexes, there remain fundamental differences in biological and emotional makeup. Misunderstanding will develop as each sex holds the other in unrealistic awe on the one hand or loathing on the other.

The traditional family is the building block for the integration of society as individuals grow in
understanding of various perspectives within the heterosexual family. This family unit integrates men and women, children, grandparents and extended relatives in personal and caring relationships that transcend the generations. Countless research studies confirm that the greatest sources of nurture, support, and meaning for the majority of Americans are found within the family unit. 3. 3a.

To preserve and support the family as the building block for social integration, our schools need to include training in the processes that enable caring relationships in marriage and family, including skills in communication, conflict resolution, and compromise.

Homosexuality and social freedom

The essence of freedom in America does not rest on the belief that every person can do whatever he or she wants to do at all times. Freedom in America maintains our ability to preserve and protect our best values, express them within the culture, and pass them on to future generations. Social freedom requires responsible citizenship.

The family is the foundation upon which freedom is built. The autonomous family preserves and passes down it's unique cultural values to the next generation, providing the checks and balances in society which guard against destructive extremes.

Homosexuality will jeopardize the intergenerational transfer of cultural patterns within society.

Homosexuality and social reproduction

The normalization of homosexuality will jeopardize social reproduction and the intergenerational transfer of genetic patterns. Reproduction within the homosexual union will necessitate contrivance and manipulation.

The specter of eugenics becomes evident as the commercialization of reproduction through the buying of sperm and egg and the creating of children through deliberate planning by professionals (at high cost) replaces the caring and loving union of mother , father, children, and extended family.

Homosexuality and social health

Personal and public health risks associated with homosexual behaviors are deeply troubling.

According to the American Medical Association, homosexual youth are 23 times more apt to contact a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) than their heterosexual counterparts.4

* Syphilis rates in the U.S. that had significantly decreased in the 1990's, increased between 2001 and 2006, primarily among men. Syphilis rates attributed to men having sex with men (MSM) increased from 4% in 2000 to 62% in 2004.5.

* In a 1997 news article, The New York Times stated that a male teenager entering the homosexual lifestyle today has a 50% chance of getting AIDS by the age of fifty.6.

* By 1998, AIDS was the fifth leading cause of death for people ages 25-44. The first cases were reported in the U.S. in 1981 in the homosexual community. 77% of those affected with AIDS are male. Bisexual behaviors have transferred the disease to the heterosexual community.7.

* In the United States, MSM accounted for 70% of all estimated HIV infections in 2004, even though only about 5-7% of male adults and adolescents identify themselves as MSM.8.

* The cumulative estimated deaths of persons with AIDS in the United States in 2005 was 530,307 persons. 9.

Homosexuality comes to school

In the early 1990's homosexual activists sought to promote tolerance of the gay and lesbian lifestyles in the public schools, and to normalize these lifestyles in the public perception. The National Education Association promoted material entitled Affording Equal Opportunity to Gay and Lesbian Students. 10.

Although children have neither the experience nor the insight to evaluate this information, comprehensive sex education curriculums included discussions of homosexuality even in elementary materials. Teaching homosexuality as a viable and normal behavior to elementary children is of particular concern because preadolescent children typically gather in same sex groups, avoiding the opposite sex. To present this as a possible sign of homosexual attraction jeopardizes the ability of children to move into a healthy heterosexual relationship and marriage.

Caution is wisdom

In 1993, Morton Kaplan analyzed the changing patterns of sexual and family relationships and wisely cautioned against hasty and unexamined changes in family patterns. He states, "Our ability to function rationally depends on taboos and social and legal constraints that maintain character and a sense of appropriateness...I suggest prudence, that we do not allow a slippery slope to take us unawares... We need serious discussion rather than the polemics and the heat we are now generating." 11.

In 2003, a writer in the Wall Street Journal cautioned, "Most of the 'slippery slope' warnings of the last decades have proved tragically accurate despite the mockery that silenced them. From the domino theory, to drugs, divorce, to permissive sexuality, who can deny the devastation wrought by each - broken homes, addictions, AIDS?"

Personal and social effects of changes should be seriously weighed before extending the range of permissible behavior.


1. Palen, John A. Social Problems for the twenty-First Century. 2001. McGraw Hill:438-439.
2. Kaplan. Morton A. "Common sense on gay rights." The World and I October, 1993:403-407.

3. Marriage in America: A Report to the Nation. Council on Families. 1995:pgs. 9-11.


3 a. Why Marriage Matters, Second Edition: Twenty-Six Conclusions from the Social Sciences. Institute for American Values. 2005.
New York, NY.
4. American Adolescents: How Healthy Are They? The American Medical Association. 1990: pg 31.
5. Center for Disease Control, STD Surveillance 2006.

http://www.cdc,gov/STD/stats/syphilis.htm. Jan 2, 2008.
6. Sheryl Gay Stolberg. "Gay Culture Sense and Sexuality". New York Times (late edition, east coast), 23, 1997. section4, pg. 1.
7. Center for Disease Control. July 2006. http://wwwcdc.gov/hiv/resources/factsheets/print/msm.htm.
8. Center for Disease Control, April 2004.
9. Center for Disease Control-Basic Statistics. pg. 5. June 28, 2007.
10. Buss, Dale. "homosexual rights go to school." Christianity Today. Vol. 37, No. 6 (May 17) 1993:70-72.
11. Kaplan, Morton A. "Common sense on gay rights." The World and I. October, 1993:403-407.
12. Kaylan, Melik. "The Way We Live Now". The Wall Street Journal. Friday. August 8, 2003. Opinion Page


Dody Jane said...

I admire the effort you are making with this blog. I know how much time, effort and research went into this blog post. I am 50 years old and have ALWAYS considered myself to be an open minded person but the recent sociological shifts toward gay marriage and NON marriage (as promoted by Hollywood and all its stars) has me feeling baffled and very close to hopeless.

I would like to say as a disclaimer - I was a theatre major in college and I have had many gay friends who I love and consider to be amazing people. I believe they should have every legal opportunity I have. I do not think they are "bad" people. I just think that religious marriage, traditional marriage is something reserved for heterosexuals.

I agree that this purposeful shift toward a re working of what were the bulwarks of society is dangerous. However, I am almost frightened to express my views for fear of being labeled with all sorts of derogatory isms.

I have an friend who is by her own definition a bleeding heart liberal and I know for a fact she abhors the idea of gay marriage. Yet, she would never admit it to anyone but me. However, she is my age and I think ultimately this is a generational issue.

I know my own daughter doesn't consider it to be a big deal. I don't think her generation understands what changes will be wrought. I have already seen that I have lost the culture war with her. The politically correct messages that blare from school, TV and media have won her over. I am - in her eyes - verging on intolerant. To find myself in this position is both horrifying and heartbreaking. I am not a small minded person. Yet, simply because I think marriage should be reserved for heterosexuals, I have suddenly become a person to shake your head over and say tsk, tsk - How did it get this far?

I feel as if my childhood and all my life experience is now negated and somehow viewed as wrong or misguided. But I do not know how to stop this tsumani of cultural change.

I try to stay true to myself and read Stanley Kurtz and brave souls such as yourself.

NJelBoi said...

I myself am a recovering homosexual. As much as I hate to say this about a people I care a lot about, it's the truth: Homosexuality is not a healthy lifestyle. The feelings and emotions are valid, and no doubt when one man says he's in love with another man he means it; however, as an ex-gay myself, I've come to notice a lot of christians shove these people away at arm's length. It's not a genetic issue, it's not a debate of social influence, it's a problem of love. Love has been drained out of our minds, hearts, and soul, a love to God, and a love to our neighbor, even a love to OURSELVES. Blatantly put, we have abandoned the only two commandments Jesus ever gave us, and it has had a significant impact on our country as you can plainly see. Homosexuals do not need the Bible thrown at them, and they do not need to be reminded daily that what they're doing is wrong, because if that's the case, then we'd be in spit fights with every single person we know including ourselves. It's time to stop putting degrees on various symptoms of our sinful nature (and yes, homosexuality, to me, is a symptom of the main disease: sin) and own up to our misrepresentation of Christ's love for all men. Instead of avoiding these people, christians need to be extending a hand out to these people: visit gay bars and connect with these people in a Christ-like manner, go to their gatherings and associate with them. Christ ate and drank with sinners, so should we! I mean, we ARE his ambassadors on earth. We can not fix our problem by throwing God's scriptures at everything we deem evil or bad. We can ONLY fix our problems by doing exactly the example the Bible sets (which, by the way, has NEVER had to say a word besides displaying what has been said, what is being said, and what will be said). Genesis 1:1 - "In the beginning God..." Stop trying to convince people God is real, live it and live it large because you know he IS real. Love conquers all things. On the subject of homosexuals, instead of avoiding them and their activities, embrace them, so that you may come to win over their hearts. As an ex-gay, I was won over by love. A love from my family, my friends, and the church I now attend. They never gave up on me. They invited me to dinners, they invited me into their homes, and all they had to do was live how God told them to. Eventually I came to realize, I had so much love being around people of God I didn't need sex!! The power of Love DESENSITIZED sex!

Marjorie L. Coppock said...

To Jo on homosexuality,

Thank you for your thoughtful response to my concerns about homosexuality. My comments dealt with the personal and social problems related to the homosexual lifestyle. I was not addressing the Biblical concerns as such.

As a Christian I agree that the Bible is not something to throw at people. Jesus came to guide us into receiving God's love and sharing this love with others, as you aptly express in your comments. I am grateful that your family, friends and church were open and attentive to including you in their activities and embrace. You're also correct in recognizing that the love of family and friends are more important than sexual relationships.

I bring to your attention a conference that will be held in San Antonio, Texas on Saturday, April 18, 2009. 'Love Won Out' is a dynamic one-day conference sponsored by Focus on the Family. I include some quotes from their brochure.

"Homosexuality is one of the most difficult issues many individuals, families and churches face today...Christians want to know how to stand faithfully in their Biblical beliefs about human sexuality while also reaching out lovingly to those affected by homosexuality...the answer is balance-balancing Biblical truth with Christ's Grace. "You'll be greatly encouraged by the inspiring stories of men and women radically changed by God's forgiving and transforming love."

The conference runs from 8:00am to 5:30pm. To register, call 1-800-232-6459 orlog on to LoveWonOut.com.

Those who have attended this conference give it high praise for increased understanding of concerns about homosexuality.

Best wishes,

Marjorie Coppock