Monday, September 3, 2012

On Telling Children to Play in the Traffic

To tell a child to play in the traffic would be considered a criminal offense.  Parents who would engage in this advice would have their children taken by the state.

However, this is essentially the dangerous advice that is being directed toward children by homosexual activists and 'politically correct' educators who seek to portray homosexuality to children as an equally acceptable lifestyle.


In the early 1990's the gay agenda sought to promote tolerance of the gay/lesbian lifestyles in the public schools, pushing the schools to promote these lifestyles as equal to heterosexuality.  Under the guidance of its' founder, Kevin Jennings, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) registered more than 4,000 Gay-Straight Alliance clubs on junior and senior high school campuses. 1.

Kevin Jennings wrote the forward to the book, Queering Elementary Education: Advancing the Dialogue About Sexualities and School.  This book includes essays from gay and lesbian educators that advocate teaching acceptance of homosexuality, even in elementary school and kindergarten.

When President Obama was making appointments to government positions, he appointed Kevin Jennings as the Assistant Deputy Secretary for Education, heading the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. 2.

Condoms, with a 14% failure rate, are handed out freely in schools, even at the junior high level with the implication that sex will be 'safe' if you 'protect' yourself with a condom.  3.

However, questions need to be raised at all levels about the wisdom of the normalization of homosexual behaviors, especially among the young. 


Reports from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirm that homosexual behaviors, especially those involving men having sex with men,  are extraordinarily more dangerous than heterosexual behaviors.


Sexually transmitted diseases have been increasing among gay and bisexual men.  Syphilis was a disease that was on the verge of elimination.  In 2001 it re-emerged as a public health threat because of a resurgence of the disease among men who have sex with men (MSM).  In 2008 there were 13,500 reported cases of primary and secondary syphilis.  MSM accounted for 63% of these syphilis cases in the United States.

"Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men.  Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer." 4.


The HIV/AIDS virus is primarily spread by men having sex with men.  Blacks are particularly represented in this health epidemic.   A study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (2008) documented that "Forty-five percent of infections were among black individuals and 53% among men who have sex with men."  5.

The estimated numbers of AIDS diagnoses, deaths, and persons living with AIDS, cumulative from the beginning of the epidemic (1981) through 2007, were reported  by the Center for Disease Control  and Prevention as 562,793 deaths from AIDS and 1,018,428 AIDS diagnoses.  6.


While the number of new HIV cases remained relatively stable at 50,000 new cases each year "the number of new cases among people aged 13-29 years increased by 21% from 2006 to 2009.  The rise in HIV incidence among young adults was fueled by a 34 percent increase in HIV infections among young gay and bisexual men.  7.


The Gay Report  8.

The Gay Report was published in 1979 by two homosexual researchers, feminist Karla Jay and journalist Allan Young.  The 850 page report summarized responses from 5,400 lesbians and gay men who completed a 16 page questionnaire about their sexual behaviors.  When the report was published, it was hailed as the "first comprehensive survey of the homosexual community."

The Gay Report was modeled after informal sex surveys in popular magazines of the 1970's and 1980's which encouraged readers to report their sexual activities.  The Gay Report was a similar survey of gays and lesbians.  While the report does not represent a scientifically designed sample - the responses represent only a small percentage of gays - the respondents and the authors of the study were surprisingly candid in describing behaviors and depicting a sexually-active society.

"35% of respondents admitted to having had 100 or more sexual partners throughout their lives...59% had taken part in orgies or group sex.  38% had partaken of sadomasochistic practices at least once"  9.

"Around 99% of homosexual males engage in oral sex; 91% engage in anal sex; 82% engage in 'rimming', touching the anus of one's partner with one's tongue and inserting the tongue into the anus;  22% engage in 'fisting', inserting one's fist into the rectum of the partner, 23% engage in 'golden showers', urinating on each other..."  10.

The responses to the survey were startling and the book became a popular resource for those concerned about the movement in society to normalize homosexual behaviors.


Studies describing health risks associated with homosexual practices were highlighted in the June 2003 edition of the Journal of the American Public Health.  Bad news was reported in one article after another.

Beryl A. Koblan and associates reported on alarming data from Boston, Chicago, Denver, New York, San Francisco and Seattle involving HIV-negative homosexual men who reported engaging in anal sex with one or more partners in the previous year.  Among 4,295 men, 48% reported unprotected receptive anal sex and 54.9%  reported unprotected insertive anal sex.   Drug and alcohol use were significantly associated with unprotected anal sex.

A study by Daniel H. Ciccarone and associates indicated that sex without disclosure of HIV status is common among persons living with HIV.  Their study reported that 45,300 gay or bisexual men, 8,000 heterosexual men and 7,500 women who were HIV infected, were also engaging in sex without disclosure of their HIV status.

A U.S. metropolitan study of six sites reported that 93% of African American men who were HIV infected did not know they had the virus.  This study by David J. Malebranche contradicted the view that 'coming out' is associated with better mental health, responsible behavior and lower rates of HIV infection.  African-American men who disclosed their homosexuality had a higher HIV prevalence (24%) and engaged in more unprotected anal sex (41%) than those who did not disclose (14% and 32% respectively).

J. Michael Bailey discussed the research on homosexuality and mental illness in the Archives of General Psychiatry.  He concluded that "Homosexual people are at substantially higher risk for some forms of emotional problems, including suicidality, major depression and anxiety disorder".

This conclusion was corroborated by a large, well-conducted study from the Netherlands that was published in Archives of Psychiatry, 2001.  The Dutch society is recognized as one of the most gay tolerant in the world.  Yet the risk for mental illness by those engaging in homosexuality is significantly higher than among heterosexuals in that country.


A study published in 1997 examined vital statistics data for a large Canadian urban center from 1987 to 1992.  "The main outcome measures of interest were age-specific patterns of death, life expectancy, and life expectancy lost due to HIV/AIDS at exact age 20 years, and the probability of living from age 20 to 65 years."  Three groups were studied with proportions of gay and bisexual men of 3%, 6% and 9%.

Results confirmed that "age-specific mortality was significantly higher for gay and bisexual men than all men aged 30-44.  Life expectancy at age 20 for gay and bisexual men ranged from 34.0 years to 46.3 years for the 3% and 9% scenarios respectively.  These were lower than the 54.3 year life expectancy at 20 for all men."  It was concluded that "life expectancy at age 20 is 8 to 20 years less than for all men" and that nearly half of gay and bisexual men aged 20 would not reach their 65th birthday.

This study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, concluded that "under even the most liberal assumptions, gay and bisexual men in this urban centre are now experiencing a life expectancy similar to that experienced by all men in Canada in the year 1871." 


The  facts related to health concerns of homosexual behaviors demonstrate dangers as significant as smoking and drinking.

We are being asked, even required, to accept the normalization of homosexual behaviors in our society.  Schools are teaching the acceptance of these behaviors to our children in the name of tolerance.  However the dangerous facts related to consequences are swept under the rug.

Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored.  Dangerous facts ignored return to destroy.

If we cannot face the facts and protect our children from dangerous behaviors, our future and our children's futures will be stabbed in the back by our carelessness.


"...we now live in a sexually tolerant society whose members are willing to live and let live.  But one idea remains sacrosanct.  In all public discourse, agreement exists that children are to be kept innocent of the sexual interests of adults, because they will be inevitably and irreparably damaged if exposed to them." 13.

"Passing out condoms to teenagers is like issuing squirt guns for a four-alarm blaze.  Condoms just don't hack it.  We should stop kidding ourselves."  14.

A  responsible society must protect the children from behaviors that will endanger them. Childhood is a time to learn directions for living and growing into mature citizens and healthy and responsible adults.

To teach children that homosexual behaviors are equivalent to heterosexual behaviors jeopardizes their ability to move into responsible heterosexual and family relationships.

Children have neither the maturity nor background to understand and evaluate this information.

To teach children that dangerous sexual behaviors are normative and acceptable behaviors is equivalent to sexual child abuse.

1. GLSEN. "Our Mission, Our History". http://www.glsen/org/chi-bin/iowa/all/about/history/index.html.  
2.  Lucas, Fred.  "Obama's Safe Schools Czar Advocated 'Queering Elementary Education'"  October 27, 2009.
3.  Workshop Summary: Scientific Evidence on Condom Effectiveness for Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
     June 12-13, 2000.
4.  "Sexually Transmitted Diseases." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
     www.cdcgov/msmhealth/STD.htm.  August 7, 2012.
5.  "Estimation of HIV Incidence in the United States".  JAMA - The Journal of the American Medical
6.  "HIV/AIDS in the United States"  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  October 17, 2009.
7.  "HIV/AIDS"  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
     August 7, 2012.
8.  Burroway, Jim.  "The Gay Report".  Box Turtle Bulletin. October 15, 2006.,005.htm.
     Fox, F. Earle.  "The Homosexual Debate - in the Public Arena." Page 11.  10/18/2009.
9.  Ibid, Burroway, Jim
10.Ibid. Fox, F. Earle
11. Byrd, A. Dean.  "The American Journal of Public Health Highlights Risks of Homosexual
      Practices."  NARTH. 1/10/2010.
12. Hogg,R.S., S.A.Strathdee, K.J. Craib, M.V.O'Shaughnessy, J.S. Montaner and M.T.Schecter.
      "Modelling the impact of HIV disease on mortality in gay and bisexual men."  International
      Journal of Epidemiology (1997) 26 (3): 657-661.
13. Ericksen, Julia.  "Sexual liberation's last frontier."  Society. Vol. 37, No. 4 (May/June) 2000:22.
14. Quotation by Dr. Robert C. Noble of the University of Kentucky. Quoted in: "Pastoral letter
      chides safe sex stance." by Bishop Rene H. Gracida. Laredo Morning Times. Nov. 23, 1991.
      Editorial page.