Monday, September 27, 2010

Prude Pride - Restoring Sexual Sanity

"The real corrupters of society may be, not the corrupt, but those who have held back the righteous leaven, the salt that has lost its savor, the innocent who have not even the moral courage to show what they think of the effrontery of impurity." 1.

Sexual temptations are pulling the moral foundation out from under our culture, our children's lives and our families. Young people are being drawn into early and promiscuous sexual relationships.

Our parents and grandparents would have made a public outcry against the sexual portrayals that assault us. Today we are silent and leave it to the 'sexperts' to advise us.


* The Center for Disease Control reports that 1 in 4 teens has a sexually transmitted disease, often leading to cancer or infertility. 2.

* Since Roe vs. Wade, more than 50 million abortions have been performed in the U.S.
- 81% to umarried women; 52% younger than 25 years of age; 19% to teens. 3.

* 40% of births are now out-of-wedlock births. 4.

*Out-of-wedlock births and the increase in divorce leaves many men out of the important role of fatherhood and leaves 40% of children without a father for guidance and support. 5.

*Condoms, with a 14% actual use failure rate, are handed out freely in schools, even at the junior high level. 6.

* Homosexuality, the leading cause of HIV/AIDS, is being taught as a normal lifestyle even in elementary schools and kindergartens. "One in five sexually active gay and bisexual men has the AIDS virus, and nearly half of those don't know they are infected." 7.


We have been blessed with an abundance of simple pleasures for our sensual enjoyment;

* sunshine sparking on water,
* brilliant flowers and sunsets,
* wind blowing through our hair,
* cool water on a hot day.

Sexual relationships are complex pleasures.

Sexual behaviors involve the life of another person in action and experience.

Relating to another person in a sexual way involves the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of the person's life.

Sexual relationships are much more than toys for personal hedonistic and temporary pleasures.

Sexual behaviors affect:
*the way people feel about themselves and others,
* the way people relate to the past and the future, and
* the way people relate to family and friends.

Above all, sexual behaviors can produce new life which deserves honor and respect.


When family, friends, and community relationships are drawn into the often destructive and painful consequences of sexual behaviors, consensual sex cannot be appropriately limited to decisions between sexual partners.

When casual sex results in sexually transmitted diseases that cause infertility, AIDS, or other debilitating diseases more people are affected than the persons engaging in the sex act.

When adultery results in broken vows and broken marriages, innocent children and spouses are deeply and cruelly hurt.

Sexual relationships require interpersonal responsibility for the participating parties and for the larger community of family and friends in which the persons are embedded.

PRUDE PRIDE - It's time to speak up!

It's time to restore wisdom to our sexual behaviors, using caution, circumspection, reason and good judgment.

It's time to proudly and boldly uphold prudence in our approach to sexual relationships.
It's time to cherish and protect our sexual life and the sexual life of others.

It's time to speak up and restore sexual sanity in our society.

1. Thom, J.H. 1928. Daily Strength for Daily Needs. New York: Grosset & Dunlop. pg.221.
2. Associated Press. March 11, 2008.
3. Associated Press. Nov. 21, 2006.
4. Harris, Gardiner. "40% of babies born to unwed." San Antonio Express News. May 14,
5. Blankenhorn, David. Fatherless in America. NY: Harper Perennial. 1996.
6. Workshop Summary: Scientific Evidence on Condom Effectiveness for Sexually Transmitted
Diseases. June 12-13, 2000.
condom report.
7. Stobbe, Mike. "HIV rate high in bisexual, gay men". San Antonio Express News. Sept 24,